
Friday, January 20, 2012

DHA and Micro-Nutrients May Prevent Brain Shrinkage With Age

Keeping your mind and body working correctly as we age is highly diet related. Working in Surgical Pathology has opened my eyes to the truth in that. Each day I see many parts of bodies; from biopsies to amputations to removals of various organs. A very small percentage of these surgeries truly stem from
genetics or wrong place wrong time. A high percentage is directly or indirectly related to diet. Getting too much of the macro-nutrients, like sugar, fats, animal proteins (meat, dairy, eggs, fish), alcohol and the like. And not eating enough of foods that contain a high level of micro-nutrients, namely fruits, vegetables and plant legumes, all of which naturally contain a healthy amount of macro-nutrients (sugars, fats, proteins).

Eating a vegetarian diet is a great way to assist the body in getting what it needs. And eating a 100% whole foods plant-based diet is even better. We often think of providing our bodies with what it needs but have you ever given much thought of what might be happening to your brain from not eating more fruits, veggies and legumes? Have you ever considered the fact that, not getting your brain the micro-nutrients in the bio-available (nutrients from plant-based foods are easily adsorbed , pills and supplement not so much. Possible exception B vitamins) that it needs my be leading you to early memory loss, brain shrinkage and dementia?

Here is a very interesting article from the site "Disease Proof" on just that: DHA and micronutrients may prevent brain shrinkage with age

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