Now I would be a bold faces liar if
I said I will never eat those again. Truth is while ideally plant-based eating is free of all meat, dairy and eggs, it is not "Vegan" by definition. Therefore, having any of those three while eat plant-based, is not some violation of set philosophies or shattering of cardinal rules. As may be the case in adopting truly Vegan lifestyle. Additionally, one of the first important steps a person can make towards living a plant-based lifestyle is to go with small vegetarian steps. Thus having an egg for breakfast along side of a great fresh fruit salad, green drink, or smoothie, might be a great first move in the "Action Stage" of change I wrote about lastweek.
That being said, at home I eat what most would consider a strong Plant-based Diet which can be seen in my food blog called "Meatlessly Mouthwatering." With occasional vegetarian and omnivorous "give ins," mostly when I'm out and about.
So what do I eat for breakfast? Well here's a few of an ever growing list:
- Oatmeal- fix it a million different ways by adding different fruit, nut & spice combinations.
- Smoothies- blend fruit, nut milks, juices, seeds like hemp, etc
- Whole grain breads- spread with nut butters, fresh or dried chopped fruit Or go savory with hummus, vegan cheeses, cashew "cheese", tomatoes, sunflower seeds, sprouts and greens
- Fresh juices- combos of fruits and veggies ran thru the juicer, can give you all the calories, protein, and nutrients you need in one glass.
- Green drinks- similar to a smoothie but features 40-60% or more green leafy veggies. Lots of fiber! These drinks are something our bodies are dying for.
- Vegan quiches- can be made in some many combos. A great weekend treat and plenty of quick weekday leftovers
- Breakfast salads- think lots of fresh fruits, light citrusy or sweet creamy dressings, maybe some dried fruit, a few soft greens or sprouts, some nuts and or seeds sprinkled on top!

There are so many options. In addition to these, I'll be working on creating some meatless versions of my old meaty favorites so stay tuned for that.
I'd love to hear some of your breakfast ideas and recipes. Post them as a comment here of on the Facebook page: facebook.com/eatplants
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