Think back to when you were a kid. What words come to your mind; innocent, newness, curiosity, inquisitiveness, carefree, playing, imagining, creating, building, learning, exploring, happy, exciting, fun! I’m sure you can come up with many more. Don’t you sometimes wish you could go back to being a kid again?
Well I have good news for you ...
To me this Step 2, the “Preparation Stage,” is probably one of the most important and FUN stages of change. Why because, it’s almost like you get to be a kid again! This is where you are going to explore and discover. It’s exciting and maybe a little bit scary. Your creative juices start to flow. You are learning so many new things. Your brain starts coming up with new ideas that have never even been in your head before. You don’t have to be concerned about ‘getting the right answer,’ ‘understanding everything,’ ‘knowing what to do next,’ or any of those ‘grown up’ things.
You just start digging through information, playing with new ideas and building your knowledge base. No one is there to force you to do this or that. No one even has to know your thinking about changing anything. You can read a little something, then try it out a bit or not, it’s all up to you! You just get to have FUN!
And here’s the other cool part, as you go down this new path of plant-based eating you get to keep coming back to this step of being a kid again. As you get a little knowledge you will naturally want to try it out eventually. Your curiosity will just get the best of you and your going to ‘just have to try that vegetarian recipe’ or ‘try to recreate an old family recipe with plant-based ingredients.’ This is going to be part of the fun! Remember ‘mud pies’ when you were a kid. LOL But guess what, these ‘mud pies’ are all small steps of the next stage “Action.” But, because you are still learning, you will eventually get to go back to the “Preparation Stage” and be a kid again! Learning, digging, exploring and having FUN!
There are no rules here. How you go about this is totally up to you. But here are some ideas:
Watch the movie “Forks Over Knives.”
Read the book “The Conscious Cook” by Tal Ronnen.
Go to the Library and check out some books like "The Kind Diet" by Alicia Silverstone.
Follow and explore my blog “Meatlessly Mouthwatering”
Search the Internet for Vegetarian recipes. (Vegetarian is a good way to start going plant-based. It’s how I first got started. They will have more ingredients that you are familiar with.)
So get out there and start PLAYING!!! and in a little while I’ll give more tips for ‘Preparation’ and for moving on to the “Action” stage.
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